Overcoming Creative Struggles: Reflections on Fear, Balance, and Inspiration

There’s something uniquely vulnerable about being an artist. It’s not just about the work we are creating but about the pieces of ourselves that we put into our creations. And yet, despite the passion, the drive, and the love for the craft, we still struggle.
The truth is, being an artist isn’t just about mastering techniques or finding a style. It’s about learning to navigate the fears, doubts, and obstacles that come with creating something from well, nothing.
For me, one of the hardest things has always been putting my work out into the world. You wouldn’t think so by looking at my social media, but there is hesitation.
Every time I share something I’ve made, there’s a voice in the back of my head that tells me “Maybe is not good enough” or “You are too old for this”.
The fear of putting ourselves out there is a part of the process though. Every artist worth their salt has doubt. It’s proof that we care about what we are making. Just keep in mind that these doubts can also be a reminder of why we create in the first place…..we want to connect, to express, to share a piece of ourselves with the world.
Then after all that self reflecting, there’s the actual steps that need to be taken, like finding the time and energy to make art, specially for most of us who do not completely live of just our creations and have jobs or run businesses.
Life just doesn’t stop for creativity. The bills need to be paid, and the deadlines at work don’t care about your artistic vision. Balancing a job with a creative passion is one of the most exhausting, yet fulfilling, balancing acts there are.

I used to think I needed hours of uninterrupted time to make anything worthwhile. But over time I have learned that the real joy come from appreciating the small moments. Like sketching, planning or journaling about what I can’t to create, those little moments add up. Art doesn’t demand perfection, just persistence and resilience.
And then, of course, there’s the question of inspiration. Inspiration is not magic, it’s a byproduct of action. We can’t just wait for inspiration to strike like some kind of lightning bolt. Inspiration isn’t something you wait for, it’s something you make space for.
The creative journey is full of these moments of doubt, frustration, exhaustion. But it’s also full of beauty. There’s beauty in the small victories.
If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that art doesn’t need to be perfect to matter and have an impact. In fact, the imperfections are often the most beautiful part. They remind us that art, like life, is a process, and it’s growth is not linear.
So if you’re struggling right now, if you’re scared to share, too tired to create, or waiting for inspiration to strike….know that you’re not alone. And know that your art is worth it. Take action.
Keep creating, even if it’s messy. Keep sharing, even if it’s scary. Keep showing up for your art, and your art will show up for you.
Because in the end, it’s all about the process, the journey, and the connection we find along the way. The connection to ourselves and maybe others.